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Statistics for DM-!!SD!!-LittleThings
Matches 1777 DM-!!SD!!-LittleThings
Total Time 16314:17 minutes
Total Score 0
Total Kills 101164
Total Teamkills 0
Total Suicides 1269
Last Match Thu, Dec 31 2015 at 10:57 pm

Hourly, Daily and Monthly Activity
93 (5.23 %)86 (4.84 %)89 (5.01 %)56 (3.15 %)56 (3.15 %)50 (2.81 %)53 (2.98 %)77 (4.33 %)60 (3.38 %)46 (2.59 %)47 (2.64 %)67 (3.77 %)73 (4.11 %)66 (3.71 %)56 (3.15 %)61 (3.43 %)77 (4.33 %)87 (4.90 %)97 (5.46 %)104 (5.85 %)79 (4.45 %)79 (4.45 %)102 (5.74 %)116 (6.53 %)250 (14.07 %)256 (14.41 %)217 (12.21 %)240 (13.51 %)247 (13.90 %)294 (16.54 %)273 (15.36 %)41 (2.31 %)76 (4.28 %)101 (5.68 %)116 (6.53 %)148 (8.33 %)140 (7.88 %)196 (11.03 %)184 (10.35 %)242 (13.62 %)171 (9.62 %)191 (10.75 %)171 (9.62 %)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 M T W T F S S J F M A M J J A S O N D

  Origin of Players  
United States of America: 361 (31.98 %)United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland: 65 (5.76 %)Germany: 64 (5.67 %)Mexico, United Mexican States: 59 (5.23 %)Canada: 53 (4.69 %)Poland, Polish People's Republic: 51 (4.52 %)Chile, Republic of: 45 (3.99 %)Hrvatska (Croatia): 44 (3.90 %)Russian Federation: 36 (3.19 %)France, French Republic: 34 (3.01 %)Italy, Italian Republic: 32 (2.83 %)Netherlands, Kingdom of the: 31 (2.75 %)Brazil, Federative Republic of: 18 (1.59 %)Australia, Commonwealth of: 17 (1.51 %)Spain, Spanish State: 16 (1.42 %)Argentina, Argentine Republic: 15 (1.33 %)Portugal, Portuguese Republic: 13 (1.15 %)Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic: 13 (1.15 %)Colombia, Republic of: 12 (1.06 %)Finland, Republic of: 12 (1.06 %)Other Countries: 138 (12.22 %)

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Recent Matches
Date Match Type Player Count Time
Thu, Jan 1 2015 at 10:53 pm Tournament DeathMatch 1 05:26
Thu, Jan 1 2015 at 1:19 am Tournament DeathMatch 1 127:21
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